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Tuesday, May 07, 2024
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Getting into a car accident is a serious matter and can cause considerable damages to all parties involved. Such damages caused by a car accident could include both economic and non-economic and must be included in the claim for damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are those that can easily be calculated and verified by reviewing supporting documents that show exactly how much damage is incurred or how much the claimant has lost due to the car accident.

These damages are generally easy to prove since they are quantifiable and can easily be supported by documents.

Some of the economic damages include:

  • Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are costs incurred for medical-related services or medication to any ailment, illness, or injury caused or exacerbated by the car accident.

  • Loss of Use of Property

Loss of use of the property is when the normal use of a property has been disrupted due to the accident. This can happen when an owner is deprived of their use of their car due to the accident.

  • Cost of Repair or Replacement

Another economic damage claim is the cost of repair or replacement. In a car accident, the vehicle is typically damaged.

In a car accident, the vehicle is not the only property that may need to be repaired or replaced, as other items can also be damaged on impact.

  • Loss of Wages or Business Opportunity

This claim refers to the loss of wages when one has to miss work due to the car accident's injuries. This can apply to traditional employees, self-employed workers, independent contractors, or even sole proprietors.

Proving loss of wages can differ with the type of source of income for an individual. Typically, it would be easier for a traditional employee, or self-employed workers, or contractors to prove the wages they had lost by presenting pay stubs or 1099 forms. However, proving the loss of salary

or earning can be slightly more complicated for a sole proprietor since they typically do not get a pay stub or 1099. Nonetheless, they can present bank statements, profits and loss documents, or other financial documents to show that they lost earnings or business opportunities when they had to stop working on their business due to the injuries they had sustained from the accident.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those that typically include emotional and psychological trauma or loss of consortium caused by accident. These damages tend to be challenging to prove in a claim since there is no direct monetary amount tied to calculating someone's emotional and mental trauma. Nonetheless, these injuries are accurate and are qualified to be included in compensation for damages caused by the car accident.

Some of the non-economic damages may include:

  • Pain and Suffering

The term pain and suffering is pretty broad in context. It generally applies to any physical and emotional, or mental pain and suffering caused by the car accident to the victim. This type of injury is when the victim is experiencing ongoing pain due to the circumstances of the accident.

Unlike economic damages where the treatment cost is easily quantifiable, pain and suffering are hard to quantify in monetary value since it focuses on how to compensate for the pain that the victim is experiencing due to the accident.

This type of damages may include the following injuries:

  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Mental anguish
  • Grief
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Embarrassment
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of Consortium

Loss of consortium would be the deprivation of a family relationship benefits due to the injuries caused by the car accident. Generally, this is filed by the spouse or domestic partner of the victim of the car accident and may cover the following permanent ramifications:

The loss of consortium aims to compensate the spouse or domestic partner when the injuries sustained by their partner or spouse have disrupted the relationship.

Some of the injuries under the loss of consortium include:

  • Marital strains
  • Loss of companionship
  • Sexual limitations
  • Infertility
  • Inability to participate in activities that used to be enjoyed by the couple

This type of claim is pretty hard to quantify since the injuries refer to experiences instead of being tied to a specific monetary value.

Note that the damages listed above are not comprehensive. You may have experienced or experienced damages from a car accident that are not listed above but may be entitled to file damages. It is best to contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss the injuries you have incurred and how they are classified in damages.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to call our offices to speak with an experienced attorney. Our experienced attorneys at Injury Compensation Law PC are here to help you understand the complex legal issues surrounding car accidents and any damages you may be entitled to.

About Us

We are former defense attorneys with years of experience working with big clients like Tesla, Amazon, Lockheed, and many of the large insurance carriers. After working with insurance companies and various employers, we decided to start our own firm to protect the rights of the injured.


2400 E. Katella Avenue
Suite 800
Anaheim, CA 92806

Costa Mesa

3001 Red Hill Ave.
Suite 2-222
Costa Mesa CA 92626